Friday, October 24, 2008

Time for a Movement

Check it, the other day I was thinking about some of these song lyrics that female artists are promotiong and I came to the conclusion that chicks need to stop saying things like "if I were a boy" and "sometimes I wish I could act like a boy". Ladies, last time I checked, it's a free country and we are able to do as we please. So if you feel like doing him how he does you and ignoring him or disregarding his feelings, by all means, do it. Or better yet, find somebody who will give you their time without all of the excuses and negotiation. Too many beautiful and intelligent women easily get caught up in the web of one man. Things like this usually occur due to reasons beyond ones knowledge. I say this because I was once in that position myself. But take a minute to think about it.. Do you really want to be with someone who you constantly have to remind of the things that you would like done? Do you want to be with someone who doesn't make you feel like you're the only one who matters at ALL times? Do you want to be with somebody who can so easily forget that a relationship takes lots of understanding and compromise and that things can't always be done their way? It ends up being a constant strain on your self esteem, confidence, and various strengths. One thing to realize is that both of the songs I quoted refer to "boys", which is very important. A REAL MAN would never even imagine being the cause of such distress for the woman that he loves. He'll love you unconditionally.. celebrate in your triumphs with you and offer support when you are feeling down. He will empower you, rather than cause you to question your strength. He will willingly, and without hesitation, remind you that you are beautiful and that he is lucky to have you in his life. So ladies, quit trying to "shape up" the male that is not doing all of these things on his own and do not think that pressuring him to do so will make the situation better. The right man will come along at the right time and it will fall into place on its own. Now I am not saying that being in a relationship isn't hard work, because it surely is. What I am saying, though, is that you shouldn't have to work so hard to get a man to want to have that type of commitment to you in the first place. Basically, we need to stop lowering our standards in order to meet the fulfillment of men. It is now their turn to raise the standards of the types of situations and relations that they would like to encounter with females. "Playing the field" gets old and too many people with good hearts and good intentions (both female AND male) get lost in the game. It's time for a movement towards relationships with substance.

Luna Adiana

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