Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stop Complicating Forgiveness..

When you make a mistake in a relationship and the other person tells you that they forgive you, then let them do just that. It is NOT their job to constantly remind you of what you did wrong, or even worse... try to justify their own ill thought and hurtful actions because of what you did to them. A person who tryuly forgives will just let go and move on if they would like to have a successful relationship with the other person... After all, God is the only one capable of RIGHTFULLY judging, as well as the only one who can ultimately forgive a person for partaking in any activities with the full knowledge that someone can possibly get hurt. And going back to that person... If they are TRULY sorry about what they've done, then they will feel the sting of the hurt that they've caused without having any reminders of it. Just because you made a mistake that may or may not have been clouded by bad judgement, does not give the other person the right to ridicule you, make you feel bad, or do things that will in turn hurt you... And you should definitely not stand for it!! You are a respectable human being who deserves to live in peace once forgiveness has been granted. Trying to make a relationship work after somebody has gotten hurt and trust has been damaged is NOT easy, but it IS definitely possible. If you say you forgive then do it and move on... But if you later find yourself making the other person pay for their mistake in any way, then let them go. It is not up to ANYBODY to punish a person for what they have done because God always finds a way to balance things out. A vicious and spiteful cycle in a relationship will NEVER lead to a "happily ever after". All this will do is cause damage to both individuals and they might even start questioning whether they really ever loved each other in the first place. Forgiveness is absolutely a trait of the strong because no weak person would be able to still see past their pain for the benefit of their relationship. At the end of the day, the message is clear... STOP COMPLICATING FORGIVENESS - if you say you are going to forgive someone, then DO IT!! Yes, this requires instilling trust in them and believing in them at a time when they should seemingly be cut off... But if you love them and want to be with them, then this is when they need you the MOST. Faith has the power to pull you through, so just keep praying :)

Luna Adiana

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